CPE was Lfhed created in 2021, initially as a group of more than 250 parents of students, brought together to raise their concerns towards the administration, concerning the educational continuity during the confinement period and to safeguard quality French education at the LFHED: Objective achieved!
But there is still a lot to do to improve the living and educational conditions of our students so that they can properly flourish in the school, and this is our new mission.
Composed of volunteer parents, the CPE of the LFHED participates in school life solely to defend the interests of the children and truly represent the parents within the institutions and different bodies of the LFHED, the School Council, the Board of Directors, the Primary School Council, the various Commissions...
The CPE initiative offer
Composed of volunteer parents, the CPE of the LFHED participates in school life solely to defend the interests of the children and truly represent the parents within the institutions and different bodies of the LFHED, the School Council, the Board of Directors, the Primary School Council, the various Commissions...
The CPE initiative offers a new opportunity for all LFHED parents to make their voices heard and contribute to better meet the challenges of our children.
Especially in the current difficult context we live in, full of upheavals and dramatic transformations that we are all going through, educational staff, parents and students, the Lfhed CPE rises as the only true force to represent the parents. A force of action, negotiation and proposal to the scholar institution.
Above all, we are an association of parents!
It is therefore important for us to organize activities that bring the whole family together, but also activities for parents: events for socializing, for fun and of relaxation, sports, information meetings...
La FCPE est une association loi 1901 reconnue d'utilité publique, présente sur l’ensemble du territoire y compris dans les établissements français à l’étranger.
Ce n’est ni un syndicat, ni un parti politique mais un vaste réseau de parents d’élèves adhérents et élus à travers le monde. Première fédération de parents d'élèves, la FCPE participe à la vie scolaire pour défendre l'intérêt des enfants et représenter les parents auprès des institutions et des pouvoirs publics. La FCPE est une force de proposition et joue un rôle de contre-pouvoir. Quelque 1 300 000 parents ont voté pour elle aux dernières élections scolaires.
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